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Where does digestion begin?

Updated: Jan 17

While you might guess it does in the mouth, when chewing starts mechanically breaking down food and saliva contains enzymes that start the chemical breakdown of carbohydrates and fats, there is something that happens before that!

Digestion actually starts in the brain, with the “cephalic phase” (of gastric secretion). Ever experienced mouth water?

The sight, sound, smell, taste and even the mere thought of food, in fact, trigger the brain to activate the production of digestive juices.

These sensory inputs stimulate the cerebral cortex and signal the medulla oblongata via the hypothalamus. The medulla then activates the parasympathetic nervous system:

  • The cranial Facial and Glossopharyngeal nerves and the Vagus nerve stimulate the salivary glands to produce saliva, containing digestive enzymes

  • the Vagus nerve stimulates the stomach to produce stomach acid (a low level of gastric motility is also induced in this phase), the pancreas to release digestive enzymes and bicarbonate, the gallbladder to release bile and the small intestine to release bicarbonate.

Where does digestion begin?, What is the cephalic phase of digestion?, How to support digestion?, Does eating at the table matter for digestion?

What does it mean in our everyday life?

The state of mind we are in when we approach food has an impact on our ability to receive it, digest it and absorb the nutrients!

When we are stressed, distracted, when we eat on the go, not even sitting at the table or sitting at our desks, when we swallow up big bites of food without taking in the smell and savouring the taste, our sympathetic nervous system is activated and digestive secretions and even peristalsis are inhibited.

Do you recognise yourself in these habits? Let me know in the comments below!

Here some tips!

- how you can improve your digestions by supporting the cephalic phase.

Where does digestion begin?, How to improve digestion, Lifestyle tips for improving digestion, Functional nutrition tips for digestion

  • Always sit at the table to eat

  • Slow down and take a few deep breath before setting up to eat your meals

  • Say a small prayer or express your gratitude for the food you are about to eat

  • Experience your food through your sight, smell, touch and even hearing senses before giving the first bite, then savour it.

  • My own small strategy is to always set the table up before eating (good old Italian family traditions ☺)

  • Of course taking the time and put in the dedication needed to prepare your own food, being exposed to the smells during cooking are great too!

Do you have your own tricks or rituals to share with me? Please, do that in the comments below! I 'd love to hear from you!

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