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Want to support your immune system? Let's talk basics

Updated: Sep 4, 2020

Are you here looking for a magic bullet to defend yourself from the SARS-CoV-2 virus and avoid developing the Covid-19? Or do you feel like there is nothing at all you can do and you’re totally at the mercy of the virus?

I am sorry to say, I don’t have a magic bullet and I am pretty sure it does not exist. But, we are also NOT at the mercy of the virus.

In the coming days I’ll talk you through some useful strategies that will help you go through this difficult time, and make yourself stronger and more resilient.

In order to do that, I’d like to introduce to you one of the tools I use in working with my clients: the so-called “functional nutrition matrix”. The matrix is a visual tool, or a map, that allows me to draw a whole picture of my client. I use it as way to keep all the important client’s information in front of me as well as a reflection and brainstorming tool. But not only.

I also use it as an education and empowerment tool for the client him/herself.

The functional nutrition matrix is composed of three parts, see picture.

Functional nutrition matrix, Functional matrix, Skills, Immune health, Covid-19, Lifestyle choices

On the left, the “story” paints a picture of the story of the client, with antecedents -such as genetic aspects, health family history and birth-, triggering events -such as a particular stress event or an infection that initiated or promoted the start of symptoms-, and mediators -any factor that is known to exacerbate or alleviate symptoms or that we uncover together.

In the middle, the “soup” summarises all signs, symptoms and diagnoses of the client. While everything is connected in the “soup”, it is divided in 8 main sections for ease of reading/thinking.

What I am going to focus on today, though, is the part on the right-hand side, the so-called “skills” section. The skills describe the client’s lifestyle in a snapshot. They are the aspects he/she has full control over and we can work on together! By analysing and educating through the skills section, the client becomes aware of the connections between his/her lifestyle factors and health outcomes and feels empowered by that knowledge.

Are you curious to know what the skills are?

They are those “core basics” we should all strive to tend to: sleep & relaxation, exercise & movement, nutrition & hydration, stress & resilience, relationships & networks.

Have you ever paused to think about how these aspects affect your health, and more directly your signs and symptoms?

These are all aspects that are (almost) completely in your control and yes, they DO matter!

The topic of the day, let’s go back to it… is the Covid-19 pandemic! All around the planet, everyone is talking about it, most are worried about it (to say the least), some are panicking. We are seeing pictures of empty shelves in supermarkets, videos of people fighting for the last items but fortunately, we are seeing beautiful things happening too.

We are seeing people helping each other and creating new support networks, companies donating their products, be they IT tools that make homeschooling possible or protective gears for healthcare workers etc. We are also seeing creativity flourish: from people creating a new sense of community and support by singing on balconies and displaying colourful banners at their windows, to museums opening up online visits to their masterpieces.

Covid-19 and creativity, community, support, Functional nutrition, Immune health

Back to our health.

The World Health Organisation, governments and public health authorities are recommending measures to contain the spreading of the virus and to protect yourself and those are recommendations in terms of hygiene and social distancing. You can find the official recommendations anywhere, on the official websites, in Google searches, TV advertisements, social media posts etc. and there is no need for me to repeat them here. Of course always refer to those and respect the instructions given. Be socially and individually responsible.

But can there be more? Can we do something to support ourselves while staying at home?

Apparently many people are stockpiling protective masks, disinfectants and, for some unknown reasons, toilet paper. Some are even realising all of a sudden that their diet and lifestyle might be far from optimal and are running to pharmacies or online to get a bunch of “immune-boosting” supplements and herbs.

So why again am I talking to you about “skills” rather than providing you with a list of supplements to buy?

Well, one reason is that

  • the skills DO matter for your immune health,

  • they are (almost) entirely YOUR CHOICES so they are IN YOUR POWER and

  • it is crucial to address them first!

As Dr Lynch, a well-known ND I particularly admire, said in one of his latest videos: “Your lifestyle choices matter and they matter every time you make a decision…Your choices immediately have a consequence on your immune system”.

The second reason has to do with the awareness and acceptance that this is a period of great uncertainty. There is not just enough known about this specific virus, there is no cure yet and, as you will notice if you go online and look for supplement recommendations for this specific virus, you will find a lot of contradicting information. What we can do for sure is to work through our skills to build health and resilience, which will in turn help with whatever virus or insult come our way.

And remember, supplements can be helpful (provided they are the right ones for you, in the right quantity and great quality), but you cannot supplement yourself out of poor diet and lifestyle.

So in the next few days I will be going through the skills sections of the matrix to help you understand how you can support yourself and your immune system through simple diet and lifestyle habits/modifications.

Here you'll find the links:

PS Please note again, the information and suggestions I am going to share are general in nature, and non-specific to the current Covid-19 situation. These are aspects you should always be thinking about.

Do you need personal support with your diet and lifestyle during this particularly challenging time? Book your free 20-minute phone consultation here!

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